Tea is an aromatic beverage commonly prepared by pouring hot water over the fresh leaves of an evergreen shrub native to East Asia known as Camellia Sinensis and probably originated in the borderlands of north Burma and southwestern China.
The tea plant’s journey is reflected in its name, Camellia Sinensis. Camellia indicates that tea is a woody plant, closely related to the ornamental bushes and their flowers, and Sinensis signifies its Chinese origins of small leaf.
Although the tea plant is most often referred to as being an evergreen shrub, when left in the wild undisturbed it grows into a tree with a bowl-shaped canopy. The bark is rough and typically grey. The tea plant branches with alternate elliptical leaves that are leathery in texture.
How to grow a tea tree

Step 1 : Purchase the tea tree seeds
There are two main types of tea plants. Camellia Sinensis is recommended because it is hardy. You can purchase the seeds from the local nursery or order them online. Camellia Assamica is another type of tea plant. It’s not recommended to grow this type of tea plant unless you live in a tropical climate. Also, this is a “large tree” plant, so it requires more space once it begins to grow. Always make sure there is sufficient room for the plants to breathe and for them to become bushy.
Steps 2 : Soak the seeds in water
Put your seeds into a bowl of water. Make sure that the seeds are completely submerged in water. Let the seeds soak for at least 24 hours or more. Soaking the seeds helps the seeds to absorb more water, which in turn speeds up the process of germination.
Steps 3 : Put the seeds into small containers with vermiculites
Take the seeds out of the water, and place 2 to 3 seeds each into separate small containers. Place the small containers in a warm and sunny location. Spray the seeds to dampen them. Then, cover the seeds with 2.5 cm of coarse vermiculite —a brown mineral soil that helps the seeds retain moisture. Let the seeds germinate for 6 to 8 weeks.
Step 4 : Keep the vermiculite moist at all times
During the 6 to 8 weeks, check the vermiculite on a daily basis to see whether it is moist or dry. If the vermiculite is too dry, water the seeds using a spray bottle. The soil should stay moist at all times.
Step 5 : Ensure the seeds have fully germinated
After 6 to 8 weeks, check to see if the seeds have fully germinated. Germinated seeds will have small roots and a couple of sprouts. Seeds will often germinate at different speed, so wait until all of the seeds have germinated before planting them into flower pots.
Step 6 : Separate and plant the tea tree into flower pot
The seeds should begin to sprout a few seedlings after 6 to 8 weeks of germination. You should have about 3 or 4 leaves. Put each seedling into a separate pot Tea trees likes well-drained and sandy soil that is on the acidic side.
Move the pots to a warm and partially shaded place. Spray the soil regularly to keep it moist.
Step 7 : Repot the plant or plant them outdoor
You will need to move the tea plants once they reach about 20 cm in height. If you put them in new pots, make sure the pots will be big enough for plenty of root growth. If you plant them outdoor, plant them at least 0.9 m apart so they have space to grow. Plant the tea plant in a partly sunny and partly shady location. This means that the tea plant should get about 6 hours of sunlight daily.
Step 8 : Water the plant every day
Tea plants are hardy and rarely need to be fertilized. However, they need to be watered on a regular basis. The soil should be damp to the touch but not soaked in water to maintain the right acidity.
Step 9 : Wait a few years for the plant to mature
It will take about three years before the tea plants reach maturity. This means that you won’t be able to harvest leaves during this time. Once the plant reaches about 1 meter, it should be ready for harvest.

茶是一种芳香的饮品,通常是将热水倒在原产于东亚的茶树品种(Camellia sinensis)一种常绿灌木的新鲜叶子制制作而成的。 它的起源可能于缅甸北部和中国西南部的边境地区。
茶树的拉丁文名称(Camellia Sinensis)属于山茶科。山茶科属于灌木或小乔木,Camellia指的是山茶花而 Sinensis则表示其起源于中国的小叶种。
尽管茶树通常被称为常绿灌木,但在野外的茶树不受到外界的干扰时,它就会长成带有碗形树冠的树木。 树皮是粗糙的,通常是灰色。 茶树的枝头互生着椭圆形的叶子,质感如皮革。
茶树主要有两种。 推荐Camellia Sinensis 种,因为它耐寒。 您可以从当地的苗圃购买种子,也可以在线订购。 Camellia Assamica 是另一种茶树。 除非您生活在热带气候下,否则不建议您种植这种茶树。 因为它一棵“大树”种植物,因此一旦开始生长,就需要更多空间。 须要有足够的空间让茶树呼吸并变得茂密。
将种子放入一碗水中。 要确保种子完全浸没在水中。 让种子浸泡至少24小时或更长时间。 浸泡种子有助于种子吸收足够的水分,从而加快发芽的过程。
将种子从水中取出,然后将2到3粒种子分别放入单独的小容器中。 将小容器放在温暖,阳光充足的地方。 浇一点点水使种子保持其湿润。 然后,用2.5厘米的培养土(一种棕色的矿物土壤,帮助种子保持水分)覆盖种子。 让种子发芽6至8周。
在6至8周内,每天检查培养土,看培养土湿润还是干燥。 如果培养土太干燥,请使用喷雾瓶给种子和培养土浇水。 培养土应保持湿润。
6至8周后,检查种子是否已完全发芽。 发芽的种子将有小根和几根芽。 种子通常会以不同的速度发芽,因此请等到所有种子都发芽后再将它们种植到花盆中。
种子在发芽6至8周后开始长出一些幼苗。 茶树的幼苗有大约3或4片叶子。将每棵幼苗放到一个单独的花盆中。茶树喜欢排水良好的酸性沙质土壤。
将花盆移至温暖且有遮阳的地方。 定期确保土壤保持湿润。
一旦茶树高长到大约20厘米,就需要将茶树移动入新的花盆中。请确保花盆足够宽大,以方便茶树生根和成长。 如果将茶树种植在室外,则应至少有0.9 m间隔,以便它们有成长空间。 应该在阳光充裕并且阴凉处种植茶树。 茶树每天应获得约6个小时的阳光照射。
茶树耐寒,几乎不需要施肥。 但是,茶树需要定期浇水。 土壤应该摸起来湿润,但不能浸在水中,以保持适当的土壤酸度。
茶树要成熟大约需要三年时间。 这意味着您将无法在这段时间内采摘茶叶。 一旦茶树长到约1米,就可以准备采摘了。